Barbara is constantly working to bring dynamic personal appearances and conferences, as well as her training methodology for personal, professional and spiritual growth at different events.

She has spoken in countries such as Mexico, Spain, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela, Guatemala, Chile, the United States and South Africa, among others.


“Being a Leading Woman and Entrepreneur is Trending” was created with the purpose of inspiring, motivating and supporting women. It is an event that highlights the work of women from different fields and cultures, sharing their stories of courage, overcoming challenges and

optimism. Women who share a common goal FIGHT AND TRIUMPH AND RECOGNIZE THE LEADERSHIP OF WOMEN.

This is a unique event - an opportunity to share experiences, develop potential, foster new relationships to strengthen the professional value of women as well as drive important changes in the future.

With the understanding that wage inequality persists today and that there are low numbers of women in managerial positions, it is clear that the female incursion into companies is being felt and influenced in the development of processes and innovation, as well as in markets and

consumer habits.

The differences between the sexes when it comes to salary is being reduced thanks to the involvement of women in the creation of companies. For example, recent research has revealed that technology companies created by women utilize capital and resources more effectively than those created by men, those impacting and changing managerial methodologies in companies.

In addition, thanks to a greater female participation in the labor market, and their weight in the decision-making of consumer habits in the family, the influence of women in the economic processes of our society is fundamental.

However, although the changes are obvious, they are still not enough. A key stage of change is greater access to education. Today in Spain, for example, women represent 60% of graduates but 45% of the labor market. At the senior business management level, this number drops to 10%. Although Organic Law 3/2007 for the Effective Equality of Men and Women states that companies should ensure that they had a 40% female presence, by 2015 they were still far from that goal.

According to the UN Women, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have made important commitments in terms of women’s rights. All of them have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and 14 of them have also ratified its Optional Protocol. The Inter-American human rights system includes a powerful regional instrument to combat violence against women: the Convention of Belém do Pará. In line with international agreements and with the Beijing Platform for Action, and after many years of work supporting women’s movements, several countries decided to promote gender equality through constitutions modifications, creation of ministries or institutes of women’s affairs, reform of civil codes, and the definition of gender violence as a crime and the establishment of gender quotas in political positions.

Although most of the states in the region are considered middle-income countries, high levels of inequality and social exclusion prevail, particularly among women, indigenous Afro descendants and young people. According to the Human Development Report for Latin America in 2010, in this region 10 out of 15 countries have significant levels of inequality. Public safety is a growing concern as new forms of violence against women emerge and

femicide is increasing.



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